___________________________________________________________ || || || darkage shouts out... ¶Øm anno domini 2oo1 || || ¬## || ____||_____ __________ ____________¬## _ØF || __\\ .____//_\\_ ____//__//_ _______ \\¬ØL Æ#ØL xØF || \\ \\____, // \\____. // .___// \\¶# JØ´¬## ØØ || \\___________//_____|____//___________// ØLØK ¬## JØ || ¯ || ¯ ¯ ¯ ¶ØØ ¬ØLØK || || = Anarchy's 'legalise It' = Ø# ¶ØØ || || ____________ _________ __Ø# .____ _||_______ || 100% FiXED \\ //_________)) \_ _/ // ____ // || & \\ .// \\\__ \/ __// .\\____// || iMPROVED //______\\__________//___\ /___\______// ¯z!o || ¯ ¯ ¯ \/ || ¯ || || ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Hello and welcome to this little fix of Anarchy's 'Legalise It' Musicdisk. This is not one of the usual WHD-Load fixes, instead I've resourced the whole demo and fixed all 680x0 related stuff such as: - trackloader replaced by a standard dos loader - Interrupts fixed to work correctly on o4o/o6o based machines - completely new startup code (taken from my Demo-OS) - sample replayer in the intro part fixed - music replayer fixed - all absolute address references fixed! (Major improvement imho) - exit option added (press 'esc' in the main part) - lot's of other small fixes I can't remember ;) - should work correctly on all 68k cpu's now Now you can enjoy this GREAT musicdisk from your HD (or still from floppy if you want ;D). It should even still work on a standard A5oo with 512k Chip + 512k (Fake) Fast, but I couldn't test it. but I've tested it on my a123o/5o, scicco's a126o and medi's a3ooo/68o6o and it worked very fine on these machines. Have fun and remember the roots! If you have requests for other fixes (or problems with this fix), simply drop me a mail at: StingRay_DSD@GMX.de. Greetings to all my friends in the scene, you know who you are! *** Keep the spirit alive! *** Best regards from StingRay, Wed, 13-Jun-2k1, 21:48:42 ;) ...Dedicated to the one I still miss very much...